Phil the philosopher is philosophically,
Fantastic when it comes to forming a philosophy,
But if you judge him by his math skills, you will surely see
Phil's not phenomenal at the 1-2-3
So Phil's an idiot
Matt the mathematician is mathematically,
Magnificent with the skill of multiplicity.
Might he be challenged with Farming, his knowledge would be none.
Farming's not his chosen field; now that's a bad pun
So Matt's a moron.
But ...
Faraway there is a farmer, he is farming day & night.
He functions fantastically when he shovels horses shite.
His fields are quite fetching, he keeps them up to scratch.
But when it come to laying eggs, he wouldn't have a plan to hatch
So this farmers stupid
Edna is an egg layer, she lays eggs, she's a bird.
That's what they do, she's good at it, but when it comes to spoken word,
Edna's fucking terrible, cos birds can't fucking speak.
She tried to write a poem but the pen just hurt her beak.
So Edna is shit
Janet is a judge. Is she good? The jury's out.
Her methods for her judgements leave most people with some doubt.
She judges farmers on their egg laying and birds on spoken word
So her judgement of this planet is a little bit obsurd.
So shut up Janet!