Since I last wrote things have gotten very real. Firstly, we had our first official Doctor visit. This caused me to become unusually paranoid; I began to question whether Kate was pregnant at all. She is. The trip to the Doctor was great, it put our minds at ease and set us on the road to parenthood. It suddenly felt like this was actually going to happen. I guess when it was just between myself and Kate, it seemed almost dreamlike. Now? Now I know it’s real life. I’m a showoff by nature and somewhat of an exhibitionist (as you can tell by this very blog). So not sharing something with other people seemed to keep it locked away from me too. A Doctor's waiting room is a very lonely place for a first time Father. Kate went in to the Doctor’s office alone, leaving me to twiddle my thumbs awkwardly. It was weird. I didn’t particularly like it, as I very much want to be involved in everything relating to this new adventure. From what I can tell this is a feeling I’m going to have to get used to, and rightfully so. Kate is going through a hell of a lot more than I am right now, and therefore needs far more attention than my needy ass. She is going to have to grow a person in her body, I think I can sit alone in a waiting room for 20 minutes. Question though. Now that phones exist, does anyone read the magazines in waiting areas? After the success of the Doctors visit, we decided to tell a handful of people our news. This is something that made me a little nervous, as it is still very early. Anything that I’ve read so far has said to only tell people that you think you could tell if something was to go wrong. So that’s what we did. We told Kate’s Dad , My Mother and Father and my siblings. Kate then went on to tell her Aunt and Uncle, who are and always have been huge pillars of support for Kate (she also told them because she would be going to London with her Aunt, and didn’t want her wondering why Kate wasn't drinking).

For Kate’s Dad we decided to surprise him with the news. We printed out a sign explaining that Kate was pregnant and placed it into a box of Doughnuts. The look on his face was priceless. He did a real life cartoon-like double take.
For my Mother, who is into photography in a big way, we bought a new photo album for her and placed a photograph on the inside. A photograph of the pregnancy test. Again, cartoon-like double take.
The funny thing about telling my Mother was that we intended to tell her at home, but instead we ran into her on the train to Cobh. I thought it’d be funny to give her this news on a very public platform. I was right, it was funny.
My poor Mother will soon be over run with Grandchildren. My sister had a child two years ago, my brother is set to have a child in September and we have been given the due date of November 18th. Children, Children everywhere.
We also told one friend each. Kate told one person that she works with, because her morning sickness has become quite bad. Everyone keeps saying that this is a good sign. I bloody hope so, because it’s like poor Kate is being tortured. She told her, so that she has at least one person in work who can help her or cover for her, should she begin to get sick.
We also told a friend who isn’t in the country who was very close with Kate and I in college. His reaction was amazing. He was so genuinely happy. He also said he’d pay me 100 euro if I call the child Hulk Hogan Barry. Kate said No; She never lets me have any fun.
It has become so much better since we told people. Kate can now ask for advice on pregnancy from people, we can discuss names with people and generally argue about how the child will turn out.
Kate wants a stage school, slightly gothy, musicals loving child, but my Mother wants a welly boot wearing, dirty, arts, hippy, Enid Blyton character of a child. They’ll both be very disappointed when the child is a wrestler. Hulk Hogan Barry, World Champion.
For now, it all about helping Kate through her Morning (worst name ever) sickness and preparing for the world to change forever.