How does something get a name? Someone thinks a thing should be called something and so it is. It’s so weird when you think about it. It’s also a lot of pressure. In business if a product is named wrong, it will fail.
No matter how good the product, a bad name can tank the whole thing. For example, the George Forman grill was originally offered to Hulk Hogan. I can’t see myself rushing out to buy the Hulk Hogan grill, can you?
All the meat will be weird and orange, and be bald, but still have long hair somehow.
Anyway, my point is The George Forman Grill just sounds right, whereas the Hulk Hogan Grill, just sounds wrong, Brother!
This too is true of names for people.

I dealt with a lot of “Luke the Puke” and “Luke, I am your Father” growing up, so I am very aware at how annoying a name can become when other kids find a way to use it against you. This is especially annoying when you’re a nerdy type such as myself and have to inform the other children that “Luke, I am your Father” is an incorrect quote and that the quote is in fact “No, I am your Father”, but teasing children just don’t want to engage in healthy debates about the Mandela Effect, do they?
My point is that it is difficult to name a child.
I would love nothing more than to give my child an interesting and unique name, but I am also worried that this might make the child seem “weird” and give ammunition to other kids. I have seen many children with odd names become odd and eccentric and I often wonder if the name is to blame?
On the other hand I don’t think my child will be a Dave or a Steve or a Mary. (Here’s a fun game. Shout Dave, Steve or Mary in any busy area in Ireland and see how many people respond. You’ll be shocked at how many do).
At the moment I’m stuck somewhere in the middle of wanting a cool and original name, that wont get my child picked on, but also is good enough for the child to blend in.
Thinking is hard.
Here’s an interesting exercise. I want you to picture a person, his name is FERDIA CARNEY. What does he look like? Is he confident? Is he tall? How does He Dress?

Ferdia is what my Mother wanted to call me, and Carney is what my surname was at birth. Ferdia. Ferdia F’N Carney! It sounds like the name you’d give to a cartoon goat. The kind of cartoon goat that eats the wrong grass and gets in trouble, but learns a valuable lesson at the end.
I dodged a bullet there. Luke Barry is fine, it easy, it’s to the point. It works. SO , why can’t I find other names that work so well with Barry?
Myself and Kate have looked through so many lists to try to find the right name, and I’ve found that trying to combine a first name with the surname Barry is actually quite difficult, especially for someone as into pop culture references as I am. Optimus Prime Barry just doesn’t sound right for some reason.
In all honesty, I have the utmost respect for any parent out there who has named a child. You came to a decision and you stuck to it, consequences be damned. To the Mervins and Phyllis’ of the world, be proud of your parents, they had an idea and they went with it. They are the true heroes of this world.
Realistically, if I had my way my child would be called Weapon X or Batgirl or something, so it’s best not to leave these things in my hands. Luckily, I have Kate to tell me how silly my name suggestions are.